Saturday, February 18, 2012

In Response to Kristen

At the end of Kristen's Post about Face book she asked the question: Have you noticed these new types of advertising on Facebook? Would you be more likely to react to an advertisement and use a product or go to a place that you know your friends have been to?

I have noticed that Facebook has been increasing it's use of free-economics by using its ads on majority of it's pages. Since Facebook has been quite successful lately it makes sense for them to be a popular place for companies to want their ads promoted. 
Personally I feel ads online at any site aren't very convincing because they just seem like pop ups. Every experience I've had with them just led to dead ends or scams that you require you to pay. However some ads led consumers to think a certain way and use their product, but you can't always rely on that happening.

I feel I would most likely use a product I have heard learned about online or thru others. It's very easy to see a product online and think that it works, but we all know many of them are misleading. With this said getting first hand information and reviews of the product give you more insight to if it's worth purchasing. Word of mouth seems to be the best way because its the truth of the product that you learn about rather than what the company wants you to see.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Obese students struggle to fit in their desks.

When we were in school our biggest worry was what was for lunch, or if I studied enough for my math exam. Students today face a whole other obstacle which includes trying to fit into their desks in the classroom. Students are more obese than ever and it's creating much difficulty to get them to even find a desk that fits them. Not only does this raise health concern for young children, but causes the student to be more self conscious in a learning environment. 

In an article from CNN it states that 17% of children are obese, this rate has tripled to the point where no weight charts are capable of monitoring their weights. One student in class even had to request a table and chair to sit at because he was unable to fit in a desk. Not only was this embarrassing for the student, but it raise many concerns for the younger generation and their health. This article also goes to talk on about even clothes and other furniture can be hard to find for someone who is considered obese. 

It seems the reason for our poor health is linked to our habit of consuming. We are told by our parents, commercials and friends to consume, consume, consume. I feel many people think by consuming products, food or whatever we will be happier because we get a surge of pleasure from buying something. However just because you buy something doesn't mean it will give you anything positive. For example fast food might taste great, but do you get anything out of it?? No we just want things now and don't think about the outcomes.

With many things in our society we want things at an instant because we are impatient which makes being healthy a bit harder. We see convenient places like fast food joints as easy, quick and cheap. When people get home from work, they are too tired to cook for their families so they order out. Habits like are passed onto younger consumers because they don't see it as a bad thing. This leads more and more kids and children to become obese because our habit of constantly consuming is slowly killing us.