Is Your Employer Taking Advantage of You?
An article I found on Yahoo poses the question if your employer could possibly be taking advantage of you. It seems jobs these days seem more strenuous than ever causing us to be more on edge and more likely to dislike our job. With this being said we look for people to blame other than ourselves for our problems at work. Although many people do not always like their boss it doesn't always mean that their bosses are out to get them.
In the article it discusses how to approach a situation if you think your boss is taking advantage of you. I felt this article to be a little ridiculous because a simple conversation with your superior could dismiss any concerns you might have. Although many corporations have been known to run employees dry, you shouldn't always think it's happening to you. Also the job you wish to obtain won't always be as easy as you think. By researching the company before hand or the job title itself you can save time working for a business hat might not be for you. THis will allow you to work at a place you can see yourself and it can even save your own time and sanity.
Working in a business can be hard and it can cause your boss to seem uptight when they are actually just trying to get down to business. The stress of finding a good job is more than people can bare and it causes us to get any job just for the money. I personally think that this is not a good idea because working 40 hours a week at a place you hate just seems like torture. Being at a job you do not mostly enjoy can cause personal problems and even problems to your health. People think that the money they earn is all worth it at the end of the day, but is it really?? Why do people work at jobs they hate??