Tuesday, April 17, 2012

In Response to Christine.....

Christine in her article wrote about Coca-Cola and their new marketing idea of vending machines that use hugs instead of money. She asked at the end of her post if this is a good idea for the company.

Personally, I think its a great innovative way to get people to stay loyal to their product. These machines will give the impression to customers that its more about the product than the profit. It's also a way to more people to enjoy their product and for them to change their opinion about the company.

This move by the company was a smart one because it makes it more about the customer and keeping them engaged than the profit Coca Cola makes.
Diet Dr. Pepper, Sexist?

I'm sure many people have seen the Ad for Diet Dr. Pepper and their new tag line "Not for Women". I was surprised to see this commercial because it flat out makes a sexist comment towards its female viewers. Although the new diet drink is suppose to appeal to men, I'm sure many viewers were unsettled about the commercial.
It surprised me because although I found myself talking about the product because of the tag-line, but also because women are the ones who tend to do the grocery shopping, and they also hold majority of the financial decisions in a household. I felt this hurt their standings with female consumers because it gives them the impression this drink is manly and not meant for them. It also adds the stereotype of being strong and masculine by making it seem acceptable to drink this diet drink.

Do you think was a smart move by Dr. Pepper, do you think it was intentional?