Sunday, April 1, 2012

In Response To Marc's Post....

At the end of Marc's post he asks the question, Is that only this show or is this something that is happening around us all the time or are we just so used to it that we are accustomed to this and don't think otherwise?

I agree with Marc on what he discussed in his post, and his idea that marketers on any type of show or product really go the extra mile to pull people in. This however is not always seen as a positive thing because we are surrounded by the need for "more". Everyday we are subconsciously making decisions about consuming and what type we choose to purchase.

We watch television to escape the world around us, but are still attacked will ads to consume and contribute to society. Television shows make us emotional or capture us with their stories of happiness. Everything from the color of the shirt the person is wearing to the words they speak are pre-determined. Their are focus groups to see which product or shows did better with consumers and this research can take years. Its amazing how much time and effort is put into something just to make it more appealing to its market.

What are some difference between Marketing a TV show and a Product???

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