Monday, April 23, 2012

In Response to Lyndzi....

At the end of Lyndzi's post about inelastic goods and her experince with Amtrak she asks the question, What is another major product you can think of with an inelastic demand? If the price of this item increases do you think consumers will find ways to conserve their overall use of the product?

Another product that could be seen as inelastic is electricity/utilities, we all use these daily and their isn't a alternative. Although electricity isn't nearly as expensive as oil if it gets to much for people to pay each month there could be a shift in how we use it. 
Recently with Earth day and global warming problems on the rise people have been looking at their own footprints on the Earth a little differently. However big these problems might be, people will not change their daily routines until it directly effects them. A problem with money could lead a person to cut back on their spending and keep a closer look at their finances. With the price of using your appliances possibly getting higher I could see a slow movement towards conserving their use. This would allow many benefits to the user and to their environment.

New Light Bulb Released on Earth Day..

In an article I found on Yahoo a new LED light bulb was released that lasts an astonishing 20 years. Although many people don't believe it will be a huge seller due to its high price of 60 dollars, its a move in the right direction. However the dutch company Philips is attempting to increase the purchase of a simple product like a light bulb.
Many consumers today are becoming more aware of their spending and the result their spending have on the environment. This allows the customer to save money while also decreasing their constant spending on small purchases. It's a known concept that consumers have habit of wanting instant gratification, and this company (Philips) is allowing the customers to see the product as an investment.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

In Response to Christine.....

Christine in her article wrote about Coca-Cola and their new marketing idea of vending machines that use hugs instead of money. She asked at the end of her post if this is a good idea for the company.

Personally, I think its a great innovative way to get people to stay loyal to their product. These machines will give the impression to customers that its more about the product than the profit. It's also a way to more people to enjoy their product and for them to change their opinion about the company.

This move by the company was a smart one because it makes it more about the customer and keeping them engaged than the profit Coca Cola makes.
Diet Dr. Pepper, Sexist?

I'm sure many people have seen the Ad for Diet Dr. Pepper and their new tag line "Not for Women". I was surprised to see this commercial because it flat out makes a sexist comment towards its female viewers. Although the new diet drink is suppose to appeal to men, I'm sure many viewers were unsettled about the commercial.
It surprised me because although I found myself talking about the product because of the tag-line, but also because women are the ones who tend to do the grocery shopping, and they also hold majority of the financial decisions in a household. I felt this hurt their standings with female consumers because it gives them the impression this drink is manly and not meant for them. It also adds the stereotype of being strong and masculine by making it seem acceptable to drink this diet drink.

Do you think was a smart move by Dr. Pepper, do you think it was intentional?

Friday, April 13, 2012

New Guidelines Could Cause a Change for Marketing Online.....!FAF2EBD9-D389-4935-8041-E9E028290395

In a recent article from Market Watch, their are new guidelines from the Federal Trade Commission(FTC) that might take effect. This change could cause customer's to not feel so targeted when targeted for marketing online. This also will prevent companies from learning personal information about the consumer while they shop. Sites like Amazon use this to their advantage to track customers habits to help market them to buy another product.
It will be interesting to see if these new guidelines will be put into action and the effect they could have on a companies current online marketing

What kind of new approaches to you think companies might take if these guidelines are placed into action? Do you think its a good idea the FTC helps protect customers and their information online?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

In Response to Nichole.....

At the end of Nichole's post about J.C Penney she asks the question What else can JC Penney do to help their sales increase? Do you think Penney's is on the right track?

I think their new approach will help their sales as they stand. JC Penney when they first started had a simple approach for their customers always saving them money and always putting the customers first. Although as time passed, companies got caught up in the profit and soon we're just into for the money.
I think JC Penneys sales will increase since they will no longer trick of falsely appear to be saving the customers money. The customers will see this approach as building better reputations although they will not be having sales.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

In Response To Rebecca...

At the end of Rebecca's post she asks the question, If this trend continues, what kinds of things will you do in order to cut back on the money you spend weekly on gas? Do you think that people will change their lifestyles to save money?
In her post she discusses the issues and concerns with the rising gas prices. I do believe this trends is happening as a result of our diminishing energy shortages. We as a country are panicking about what energy we will use to power our cars and homes. If this trends continues I feel people will switch over to a new source of energy because they can no loner afford it and/or do not have any other choice. 

 I think at first people will be very resistant towards change because they are afraid that they will have to cut back and things will be different. People do not like change and we can see that because our problems in society concerning oil have yet to take a turn for the better. After sometime and some dead ends I think people will change and cut back on spending. Hopefully if this does happen more time will go into research for better and more reusable energy sources so we do not have a problem like this in the future. Personally I would try to find a means of transportation with a alternative energy source, many companies have started to do this. My normal routine of using my car would change and I would be forced to cut back on traveling as much.
The Effects Of Marketing on Young Children.

We are all aware that everywhere we go contains various forms of advertising. From the cars we drive to the clothes we wear brands and ads are everywhere. It is almost impossible to go thru your day without being faced with an advertisement. All these companies are sending the same message; buy my product. With this being said since these ads are so prevalent it makes some wonder how are these ads effecting children and developing adults.

In a recent article and study I read it discusses the very effects child and parents face as a result of abundant advertising. The articles discusses how it's altered the world to a children and how it becomes such a normal yet powerful part of their everyday lives. It discusses how it skews a child's perception of the world because the see these ads are real. As a result it makes distinguishing between the real and pretend difficult giving them false knowledge how the world around them. It's baffling how much advertisements subconsciously effect us and our development.

Another factor that I found to be interesting was the idea of consumerism. It seems people and children now a days are more concerned with their possessions than their relationships. Even though we often use these possessions to help us with our own identities creates materialism. We are encouraging future generations to buy and buy in order to fill a void in their life we are told exists by these businesses. This only adds to the problem our worlds face today. These advertisements create bottom less for consumers that never feel like they have enough. I wonder how different the world would be if marketing was used to create a positive impact on society rather than one full of objects and possessions. I wonder if businesses realize how powerful these ads can be to our world and how little good they're doing with this power.

Do you think our modern uses of advertising/marketing are positive or negative?? Why??

Sunday, April 1, 2012

In Response To Marc's Post....

At the end of Marc's post he asks the question, Is that only this show or is this something that is happening around us all the time or are we just so used to it that we are accustomed to this and don't think otherwise?

I agree with Marc on what he discussed in his post, and his idea that marketers on any type of show or product really go the extra mile to pull people in. This however is not always seen as a positive thing because we are surrounded by the need for "more". Everyday we are subconsciously making decisions about consuming and what type we choose to purchase.

We watch television to escape the world around us, but are still attacked will ads to consume and contribute to society. Television shows make us emotional or capture us with their stories of happiness. Everything from the color of the shirt the person is wearing to the words they speak are pre-determined. Their are focus groups to see which product or shows did better with consumers and this research can take years. Its amazing how much time and effort is put into something just to make it more appealing to its market.

What are some difference between Marketing a TV show and a Product???

Flash Mobs Raising Awareness About Climate Change??

In an article I found on a site by Bill McKibben discusses how recent popularity of flash mobs can work to the Earths advantage. The recent endless crises about the Earth and its on going problems is not a new one, in fact people still deny its existence today. With these problems becoming the younger generations obstacles what better way then to grab their attention.
These flash mobs are used as a display of expression, but now they come with a message. Since these dances have become popular among sites like Youtube and Facebook, it's a brilliant way to gain more awareness about big issues. Although people would argue that its not a serious way to talk about issues its a step in the right direction for change to occur.

Do you think using Flash mobs and other means to relate to young people is a good idea for our furture??

Sunday, March 25, 2012

In Response to Matt...

At the end of Matt's post he asks the question Is it the companies responsibility to be proactive and change their product before there is a huge issue?  What would the damage be financially and psychologically to the companies if their products were proven to help cause cancer?

Since we have been talking about ethics in businesses lately it had got me thinking about it. I feel the main goal of a business is to be ethical. With this said I do believe it is the company's responsibly to be proactive. If a company fails to be proactive and ethical it sends the message to the public that they are careless and lying is acceptable to get what you want. A company that is unethical and falsely advertises a product creates a following of people that believe them. Once the truth slips out about the product, their customers will soon decrease and so will their profits.

I think that if a company like Pepsi or Coke did state the truth about studies about their products, I would hope many people would no longer purchase from them. Companies who bend the truth or lie to sell their products are not doing any good for the world or their consumers. Although it's just business, it can cause people to suffer and can cause further damage.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Virtually Healthy.

In a recent article I found on Yahoo there has been an uproar about video games and the lifestyles they encourage. We all are aware that video games have overtaken the lives of younger children affecting their health. Instead of going out and running around with friends we sit in front of the computer for hours.

Since then there has been a change in their markets. Video game creators still target younger generations, but the new games are altering their health and are attempting to have a positive effect. The new games include ones that requires getting off the couch to play. The new game consoles have built in cameras or sensors to follow the players movements. These games have been successful in their efforts, but can they still be considered a unhealthy video game? This is where many people seem to disagree.
The article goes on to discuss how people still consider these video games to be unhealthy regardless of what they are actually trying to do. Although technology is prevalent in our lives, people still disagree that getting fit over a computer or game console is not the right way. The Wii is a great example of these video games, because every game requires the player to be moving while playing. Although not all the games require the player to be physically fit, its a new approach to a growing addiction. It seems people do not like the games because it still is encourage their behavior and is "unhealthy".

Do you think the way these new physical video games being marketed are sending the right messages??

Sunday, March 11, 2012

In response to Becca's Post...
 At the end of Beccas post she asks the question. Do you think that Facebook is appropriate for girls in middle school or should it be limited to a certain age?

Personally I do not think that facebook is an appropriate website for girls or boys in middle school. Although younger and younger generations seem to be use technology daily, it doesn't mean they should have access to it all. 

I feel girls and boys in middle school are developing and since they are so young they run the risk of making a mistake on the internet that might never go away. Since things on the internet seem to circulate very fast, a mistake they make or something they post could really damage them. 

Another thing thats makes it difficult to control what age someone goes virtual is that people lie. It very easy to create an account on any website and lie about your name or birthday. Their is no way to tell if someone is being honest, making it difficult to draw that line of whats acceptable on the internet.

How do you think website can more effectively control the age of it's users??

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Is Texas Unfairly targeting Women? MSNBC

In a recent article on MSNBC, it discusses how the state of texas has recently cut funding for women's health including planned parenthood. Not only are women in fear of losing their health coverage and raking us huge bills, they now are stuck in the middle of these budget cuts.

It seems the cuts are targeting women causing them to be stuck in the middle of not having health care or visiting a provider like planned parenthood that isn't covered.

These budget cuts are leading women to get the impression that the health care they choose is against what everyone thinks. This is preventing women to get the care they need for themselves and or their babies.

Many women seem to be outraged, which make sense considering no one else is effected by these cuts. This debate with health care has been discusses many times because of how it seems to be targeting just women and their health. it also links to the political debates and health care including birth control. Health care is already a difficult area because many people are not able to receive it. Now even if we have it, we may be limited to where and who we go to for care.

Why do you think these women are being targeting??

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Case of John Smith
Should John smith sell the names? (Be sure to answer the poll to the left of this post.) Also, Does the AMA Statement of Ethics address this issue? Go to the AMA website (American Marketing Association) and look at their Statement of Ethics. What in the Statement relates to John Smith's dilemma?

No, John Smith and his company should not sell the names and information. The people who took the survey need to be confidential and protected according to the AMA and their stand on ethics. The people who took the survey most likely do not want their information give out to other companies. John Smith would damage his own reputation and his employees if he were to sell the information just for a little money. He not only would be breaking trust with future customers but also going against the code of ethics. Although he is in a tough position because of money and employees he shouldn't sell any of the contact information.

How could John Smith use the survey to his advantage without going against the code of ethics??

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Is Your Employer Taking Advantage of You?

An article I found on Yahoo poses the question if your employer could possibly be taking advantage of you. It seems jobs these days seem more strenuous than ever causing us to be more on edge and more likely to dislike our job. With this being said we look for people to blame other than ourselves for our problems at work. Although many people do not always like their boss it doesn't always mean that their bosses are out to get them.
In the article it discusses how to approach a situation if you think your boss is taking advantage of you. I felt this article to be a little ridiculous because a simple conversation with your superior could dismiss any concerns you might have. Although many corporations have been known to run employees dry, you shouldn't always think it's happening to you. Also the job you wish to obtain won't always be as easy as you think. By researching the company before hand or the job title itself you can save time working for a business hat might not be for you. THis will allow you to work at a place you can see yourself and it can even save your own time and sanity. 

Working in a business can be hard and it can cause your boss to seem uptight when they are actually just trying to get down to business. The stress of finding a good job is more than people can bare and it causes us to get any job just for the money. I personally think that this is not a good idea because working 40 hours a week at a place you hate just seems like torture. Being at a job you do not mostly enjoy can cause personal problems and even problems to your health. People think that the money they earn is all worth it at the end of the day, but is it really?? Why do people work at jobs they hate??

Saturday, February 18, 2012

In Response to Kristen

At the end of Kristen's Post about Face book she asked the question: Have you noticed these new types of advertising on Facebook? Would you be more likely to react to an advertisement and use a product or go to a place that you know your friends have been to?

I have noticed that Facebook has been increasing it's use of free-economics by using its ads on majority of it's pages. Since Facebook has been quite successful lately it makes sense for them to be a popular place for companies to want their ads promoted. 
Personally I feel ads online at any site aren't very convincing because they just seem like pop ups. Every experience I've had with them just led to dead ends or scams that you require you to pay. However some ads led consumers to think a certain way and use their product, but you can't always rely on that happening.

I feel I would most likely use a product I have heard learned about online or thru others. It's very easy to see a product online and think that it works, but we all know many of them are misleading. With this said getting first hand information and reviews of the product give you more insight to if it's worth purchasing. Word of mouth seems to be the best way because its the truth of the product that you learn about rather than what the company wants you to see.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Obese students struggle to fit in their desks.

When we were in school our biggest worry was what was for lunch, or if I studied enough for my math exam. Students today face a whole other obstacle which includes trying to fit into their desks in the classroom. Students are more obese than ever and it's creating much difficulty to get them to even find a desk that fits them. Not only does this raise health concern for young children, but causes the student to be more self conscious in a learning environment. 

In an article from CNN it states that 17% of children are obese, this rate has tripled to the point where no weight charts are capable of monitoring their weights. One student in class even had to request a table and chair to sit at because he was unable to fit in a desk. Not only was this embarrassing for the student, but it raise many concerns for the younger generation and their health. This article also goes to talk on about even clothes and other furniture can be hard to find for someone who is considered obese. 

It seems the reason for our poor health is linked to our habit of consuming. We are told by our parents, commercials and friends to consume, consume, consume. I feel many people think by consuming products, food or whatever we will be happier because we get a surge of pleasure from buying something. However just because you buy something doesn't mean it will give you anything positive. For example fast food might taste great, but do you get anything out of it?? No we just want things now and don't think about the outcomes.

With many things in our society we want things at an instant because we are impatient which makes being healthy a bit harder. We see convenient places like fast food joints as easy, quick and cheap. When people get home from work, they are too tired to cook for their families so they order out. Habits like are passed onto younger consumers because they don't see it as a bad thing. This leads more and more kids and children to become obese because our habit of constantly consuming is slowly killing us. 


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

In Response to Rebecca...
At the end of her post Rebecca posed this question, Do you think this commercial was political? If so, do you think it should have been allowed to be aired during the Superbowl?

I watched this ad and have to agree that it is a political commercial. Although it may of not settled with watchers well, the message was strong. I felt this commercial was trying to keep in mind our current economy and that things will get better. Clint Eastwood spoke in this ad, and I felt he was trying to inspire the average american to make changes to better their own lives, and economic well being.  He brings up the term halftime, which relates to our current lives being at a stand still. And I felt from the commerical it was saying we are capable of doing two things. One we could keep going the way we are going and dig ourselves more into debt, depression and chaos. Or second change the way we are living and fix it.
On the other hand however, its hard to ignore that this commerical was always tied back to car company and that I'm sure corporate funding and ideas had a say in this ad. Not to say that it's always a bad thing, but it can create a lot of commerical and ads to be biased and to almost "brainwash" consumers giving them the wrong message.

I absolutely think this commerical should be allowed to air during the Superbowl. The television itself is a popular distraction from our worries of everyday life. On the Superbowl instead of getting sucked into funny dog commercials, drinking beer and yelling at the television, we take a step back and actually see the world we are living in. Regardless of who won the Superbowl or much money you placed on a team to win tommorow we still face all these problems in our society. Commercials like this should be allowed because they bring people back to reality and the actual problems we face. It's a commerical that doesn't prompt consumerism because buying that new car can't bring the economy back.

Do you think that commercials and other distractions are shielding people from all the problems our country is facing? If so, who is at fault??

Keene State College just named one of the top most Socially Awkward Colleges in US.

In a recent study by the Huffingtonpost, Keene State College along with 45 other colleges were labeled "socially awkward". Apparently not only is the various technology we use daily getting in the way with our social, but also the college we attend. This article discusses how our lack of communication like small talk and fear of social gatherings creates us to be awkward. 

I don't agree that this study has strong enough sources to label certain schools as awkward, but I do agree that each generation seems to be losing social skills leading them to come off as awkward.

We live in a world where we don't have to leave our house to go shopping or to send a gift. We have the whole world in our hands with our smart phones, computers and tablets. Although it may be very convenient it comes with a price. Instead of creating relationships through face to face interactions, we do it through the computer. We use sites like Facebook and Craigslist to talk to one another and become "friends". We rely on technology so much that when faced with real life with real people we become awkward and don't always know how to act. When faced with real people we don't have all the time in the world to think of that perfect thing to say, like we do when texting. We also fear rejection and become self-conscious when talking to others which is another reason we use computers. With computers, you avoid the outcomes in a face to face interaction and can escape. It seems we almost hide behind our computers and wouldn't know what to do without them. 

On the other hand technology has helped us advance in various areas, but it seems we need to learn moderation. If we don't we lose meaningful relationships and our social skills.

Another thing to consider is emotions. No matter what someone is sending through a email or text, we lose the true emotion behind it. We read into text messaging, give it our meaning based on it's context. To sum it up you can't capture emotions in a text, and it belittles our own feelings that are better expressed in person. We are starting to create relationships with others based on words, from there we give it meaning based on how we feel. With this being the new way to get to know somebody, we lose communication skills. We create a human connection thru a screen hoping its what we want. People often forget though that on the internet your able to be whoever you want to be. Next time your walking down Appian way, take a second and notice how "busy" everyone is on their phones.

Do you think our generations and younger generations rely too much on technology??

Sunday, February 5, 2012

In Response to Emma Mchugh

Emma at the end of her post posed the question: Can you think of the last product or service you really enjoyed and may have told your friends about? Do you think marketing by word of mouth has a big impact on sales?

Yes, personally I feel marketing by word of mouth is very powerful. It allows a relationship to form between the seller and the consumer building trust and a potential sale. Since it's a promotion of a certain product thru their own personal words, the seller is placed in a pickle of whether to lie or tell the truth. Although the sale is important, their reputation is just as crucial to keep intact.

I personally as a consumer would want to here the pros and cons to the product so I know exactly what I am buying. the consumer in this case will also be able to ask questions because it's a face to face interaction, making it that more personal.

The last service I used was recommended to me by a friend. I had heard of the service StumbleUpon before, but never had used it. She explained to me the various sites and music you could access and told me how easy it was to use. I had no idea you could customize your stumble to your interests and I soon was using it daily. I found her promotion of the product was definitely the reason I start using the site. Word by mouth of anything espcailly a product can hurt or help a product/service tremendously.

Do you think word of mouth for a product is more helpful or harmful??
Extreme Couponing on the Rise?

It seems ever since the show Extreme Couponing has aired more people have been chasing the thrill of saving a few dollars. If you have ever seen the show it involves shoppers trying to save the most money at the various stores they shop at. They stock their homes with piles of products like toothpaste and paper towels. They trade in their time at home with their families to cut out coupons for hours.

As beneficial as saving money can be, it seems "couponing" has been taken to a whole new level. In my opinion this show glorifies consumerism and buying more then you need. Although these shoppers "coupon" as a career buying 32 cans of Chefboradi isn't smart shopping. Not only is it not smart, but unhealthy. It seems these deals may be only benefitting the stores and their need to get rid of products.
Although couponing can be so beneficial, it seems shoppers now a days are just being wasteful. We use shopping as "therapy" instead of a way to survive.

I found myself asking the question of who these coupons are actually benefitting. It may seem that a buy one get one free deal might seem too good to be true, and that because it just might. It could save you money, but it is the best choice? Are we focused so much on quantity that we overlook quality? Our society is told to consumer and as a result we always want more.

Do the coupons benefit the stores or the consumers more?!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

In Response to Rachel Marra's Post.

At the end of her post, Rachel asked the question; What are some courses you have taken outside of your major? And did you learn anything worth while?

Personally, I feel the Business major requires you to take various courses sometimes too many to handle. In the past I have taken numerous Accounting classes that cover topics like Balance sheets, debts and credits, and ratios. All these topics at first may of seemed off topic because I wasn't planning on being an Accountant. However, after two of these classes I saw the benefit of understanding them. It  includes topics such as stocks/bonds, how to tell where a company is spending and how to determine the future value of a business. Not only is this important to learn if this is a company you plan to invest in, but to also work for. Before entering a job you can look at the business's "records"(balance sheet, cash flows) to determine if their ending balance is headed up hill or not. It's smart because if a company has a lot of debt, you run the risk of working for a business that could go bankrupt or have bad business ethics.
Another class I have taken here is Business Law, this class was an elective I took for part of the requirements for my major. I learned this class covered the side of business we don't always which includes contracts, bankruptcy, and torts that businesses may or not be involved in. Although this class was very different from my others I learned a whole lot from that semester. I was able to see the laws a business must follow and the consequences if they do not. We also learned how these laws can relate in our own lives with things like rent, and parking. The legal issues of a business are always good to understand in case of any conflicts. Another important thing we learned was how to start a business and actually purposed our own businesses as a end of the year project. Both classes taught me a great deal about different aspects of business. 

What's one class you wish you got more out of and why??

Why Learn About Marketing??

We were asked the question Why would if be important to study Marketing even if you do not pursue a career in it?

First off since marketing is one area of business it's smart to have an concept of these parts so you can understand how it all comes together and how it could benefit you. Just like any other part of business like Accounting, it may not be your career choice, but it's a smart choice to learn more about it. It's always nice to have a upper hand in your career especially when looking for a job.

Marketing is a great way to learn about sales, communication, price, promotion, product and place (the four P's). In this class we are able to look at a business and their product, we can learn more about the promotion they did and the price they set. We are able to learn more about how much work goes into the Four P's of a product and how to "sell it".

Also since we live in a society were promotion happens in numerous forms, we can use this to our advantage when it comes to ourselves. Since I am graduating in May, it will benefit me to understand how to sell myself and what a potential employer will be looking for. These terms and ideas we learn in class we can use in our lives for various tasks like finding a job and how to sell a product at a good price.

In the business world, it's one thing to be successful, but it takes a lot more to really know your customers. I feel a good business it one with a good reputation and good sales. Marketing allows you to increase your sales while also getting to know your buyers. This is crucial when place and promotion need to be determined. If any career in business knowing the buyers is key to creating success. When you know your customers needs you can meet them and change them if needed. I feel knowing your consumers and their dislikes/likes will only build your companies reputation and help you generate more money. Knowing a lot about Marketing can be very beneficial.

*Since these diverse classes we take (marketing,accounting) are all important, do you think a course like Marketing should have its own Major? Why or Why not?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Since I am the "product" it's important that I include the four P's when marketing they include Product, Place, Promotion, and Price.

*Product: 21 year old college student with part time job, Organized, responsible, independent, works well in groups, always on time.
*Place: Located in Keene, NH until the summer of 2012 and has own Transportation, will start as soon as possible.
*Promotion: Viral Market and Personal Selling( friends, workplace, school )
*Price: Negotiable, but must cover living costs

Do You Think The Price Of A Product Determines the Place and Promotion?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

How do I define Marketing, Advertising, and Propaganda?(In my opinion)

Marketing: is the process of selling, pricing, and estimating the projection of sales for a product. Marketing in my opinion is the first part to establishing a new product in a company.

Advertising: is creating consistent circulation of the products to consumers. This is done in various way such as television, ads in Magazines/Newspapers, and on the internet. 

Propaganda: Is a form of biased advertising used to sway a group of people I believe this to be the oldest form of "advertising" based on history regardless of how true it may be. 

*Do you think all Propaganda is Negative?